Vaccine Court: Autism Debate Continues

Posted: February 26, 2009 in Age of Autism, autism, Bailey Banks, David Kirby, Generation Rescue, Hannah Poling, HHS, Huffington Post, MMR, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., vaccines

From Generation Rescue:

Court Again Concedes Vaccines Cause Autism

This week, in a Huffington Post exclusive, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and investigative journalist David Kirby reveal that in the recent case of Bailey Banks vs HHS, the Vaccine Court has ruled vaccines caused Bailey’s autism and ordered compensation for his family.

Banks is the second case where the government could not deny the overwhelming evidence showing vaccines caused a child’s autism. The first was the case of Hannah Poling in March 2008. The government conceded the case and awarded her family compensation.

Small victories for these children, but what about the hundreds of thousands of other families struggling with autism? Who and what can they believe in this continuing vaccine-autism controversy?

Congress, at the urging of the pharmaceutical industry, created the mysterious Vaccine Court in1986, which has not only protected vaccine makers from liability but also led to a tripling in the number of vaccines given to our children.

Why does the Vaccine Court exist? Why are the rulings in favor of the children being suppressed? Where is the justice for these parents?

In this new era of government accountability and transparency, the one in 64 American families dealing with autism deserve more. It’s time the government told the truth about childhood vaccines.

For more information, please see our Press Release.

For a complete copy of the Vaccine Court’s ruling in Banks vs HHS, check out the Age of Autism blog:

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