Expression is Good

Posted: November 9, 2011 in Uncategorized

Here is a series of texts between me and Rogan today. I couldn’t help but smile.
Rogan: “I feel sad.”
Me: “Why honey? Why do you feel sad?”

Several minutes passed, then I get this response:
“1. mr. tillmann gave me torture in class.
 2. i can’t get ANYTHING on my kindle.
 3. landon is bawling over a ds game.
 4. i don’t have my money i want
 5. it feels like a REALLY long week.”

As it turned out, Mr. Tillmann gave the class a VERY challenging question. They’re reading a book called “Number the Stars.” They are to think about why the book has that title. He just got the assignment today but yet, “It’s giving me NIGHTMARES, Mom!”

It’s the not knowing part…that’s what gives him the nightmares.

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